Teachers and creators have made hundreds of board games to help students practise their English in class. Many of these take the form of PDFs, JGP files or PNGs to print and play and can be found on top sites such as ISL Collective, Busy Teacher and many others. But what do you do when your class is online? Or if you don't want to waste paper printing? Here is one solution:
1. The file format must be an image, such as a JPG, PNG or WEBP and ideally Letter or A4 size and portrait. Find and download the game you want to play and, if it's a PDF file or DOC, take a screen-shot or convert it to an image file. There are many free converters on line.
2. Replace the "Get a Job Board Game" by clicking Load Game to open the your game image here. There are pieces you can drag and a die you can roll (or get the students to roll a real one). Now your Skype/Zoom/Meeting classes will now have one more option! By the way, we collect no information and image files are not uploaded to any server. The images stay on your computer/device.
3. If the game comes out the wrong shape, drag it from the bottom right corner to resize for your screen. Happy Playing!


Drag pieces to play